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Class Reunion Featuring ClassRing 2021

Reconnect with friends and enjoy beautiful Daytona Beach.   Click HERE to register for the event.  Registration closes August 15th.

This very special educational event will feature classes with ClassRing as well as class offerings from our Region 9 Faculty and our famous PVI Program. 

Click HERE to view the current agenda.   Schedule your PVI or Quartet coaching HERE.

Use these links to access the songs for the event:  We Are Family  and Its The Music That Keeps Us Together


Hilton Oceanfront Resort Daytona Beach  ---  Click HERE to be directed to the hotel reservation page.
100 North Atlantic Avenue
Daytona Beach, Florida  32118

Phone Number:    866-536-8477 (If you prefer to call the hotel, below are our event details)
Group Name:  Coastal Harmony Region 9
Group Code:  HRMONY
Check-in:    17-SEP-2021
Check-out:   19-SEP-2021
Our preferred room rate $152.00 for double-occupancy and is offered 3 days before and 3 days after the event (depending upon availability).


Mixed Garden Saiad, Pesto Pasta with Chicken, Rolls & Butter, Chef's Selection of Dessert, Iced Tea, Coffee, Tea & Decaf